How to Disable Software Reporter Tool in Chrome

exe這個執行檔滑鼠右鍵點選「內容」選擇「安全性」並點擊「進階」點選「停用繼承」選擇「從此物件中移除所有繼承權限」套用後,software_reporter_tool.exe就被停用 ...,,IstheSoftwareReporterToolsafe?ShouldIremoveit?TheSoftwareReporterTool(software_reporter...。參考影片的文章的如下:


解決Chrome 的software_reporter_tool.exe 佔用CPU 使用問題

exe 這個執行檔 滑鼠右鍵點選「內容」 選擇「安全性」並點擊「進階」 點選「停用繼承」 選擇「從此物件中移除所有繼承權限」 套用後,software_reporter_tool.exe 就被停用 ...

What Is the Software Reporter Tool and How To Disable It

Is the Software Reporter Tool safe? Should I remove it? The Software Reporter Tool (software_reporter_tool.exe) is completely safe. It's not malware or a virus.

Is it safe to disable software reporter tool.exe ?

2019年9月26日 — Note: Blocking access to the program may prevent Google from removing problematic software from the system or informing you about it. You may ...

[Tip] Disable Software Reporter Tool.exe Causing High ...

2023年3月9日 — METHOD 1: Disable Software Reporter Tool Using Chrome Settings · 1. Open Google Chrome, click on the 3-dots icon (main menu) present at the top- ...

5 Ways To Disable Google Software Reporter Tool ...

Right-click software_reporter_tool.exe and select Properties; Under the Security tab, click the Edit button and remove all groups and users from the list.

Disable the Google Chrome Software Reporter Tool

You could rename or delete software_reporter_tool.exe, but Google will replace it, so that's only a temporary solution. ... Click on Disable inheritance option ...

How to Disable Chrome Software Reporter Tool

2023年9月6日 — You may remove, uninstall or delete the contents of the entire folder or rename the executable itself to disable the Software Reporter Tool.

Software Reporter Tool

Step 4: Select the .exe file and click on the Delete key. This method is a stop-gap arrangement. The reporter tool will reappear as soon as Google Chrome ...


exe這個執行檔滑鼠右鍵點選「內容」選擇「安全性」並點擊「進階」點選「停用繼承」選擇「從此物件中移除所有繼承權限」套用後,software_reporter_tool.exe就被停用 ...,,IstheSoftwareReporterToolsafe?ShouldIremoveit?TheSoftwareReporterTool(software_reporter_tool.exe)iscompletelysafe.It'snotmalwareoravirus.,2019年9月26日—Note:BlockingaccesstotheprogrammaypreventGooglefromremovingproblematicsoftwarefromthe...